Looking for a single room to rent and new roommate
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Stai guardando l'annuncio: Looking for a single room to rent and new roommate
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Trieste Trieste Camere posti letto
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Singola- (Arredata)- (Piano)1 BagnoI'm looking for a single room to rent and new roommates ?
Hey there!
Looking for a room to rent and looking for a new home and new roommates Here's some info about me:
? Area: No particular preference, a comfortable area to reach the university of Trieste would be ideal
? Who am I: PhD student in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, African, organized, non-smoker, and tidy.
? Animals: I don't have any
? Timeline: Right now!
? Budget: up to 350 euros for a single room!
If you know someone looking for a roommate or have a room available, contact me privately (351 149 8132/ 375 639 6022) ! Thanks a lot for the attention! ?DettagliDisponibilità immediataNessuna recensione